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Showing posts from January, 2011

The 7 Biggest and Boldest Time Management Lies We Tell Ourselves

“Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can’t afford to lose” – Thomas Edison . I f lately you have been feeling stressed out and overwhelmed with how much you have to do, if you believe that you can be more productive or learn to manage yourself and your time more efficiently, if you have an incredibly busy week ahead of you – take a few minutes to read about the 7 Biggest and Boldest Time management Lies that are the main cause of our stress, burn out, and procrastination. You might be surprised to catch yourself telling at least one of these lies before lunch time! 1. I Can Do It All! This is one of the most frequent lies I tell myself. And then some few hours later, I have to admit that I was wrong. There simply is not enough time to do everything we usually plan on doing. Nor is there the need to do all of it. Often we are the ones who willingly put too much on our plate and then stress out about it. So next time the thought...

Don’t underestimate the power of project planning

There are many articles on the worldwide web that claim to be the guide on how to plan your project. A simple and quick search on a term such as ‘project planning’ and a large number of hits will slap you in your face. A lot of those articles are similar to each other or just plain copies. The question I asked myself a while back, after participated in a bunch of projects myself, is: “If so much can be found on this subject (best practices, case studies) , why is it that it’s still so hard to make a decent project plan?” A key stage in project management Planning your project is all about getting the job done by planning each stage of a project before it happens, from your first ideas through to completion. This sounds simple and clear but most of the times it’s complex and blurry. In my opinion ‘planning your project’ is one of the key stages in project management next to picking your resources/team. Save yourself time, money and the trouble Project planning is easily ig...