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Showing posts from July, 2010

10 reasons to choose cakephp

I want to list all those things, but near to each of them I will give short explanation what is it and how CakePHP implement it. So, if somebody ask me what are those 10 things which drive me to choose this framework as my primary one I will answer with: MVC Pattern – Model support data handling, with model class you can insert, update, delete or read the data from the database. View support data rendering on the screen. Controller process and responds to events and can modify data before it interact with the model (database). With this pattern it’s very easy to separate the logic from the presentation, which is very useful for large applications and sites. How is in CakePHP? It is MVC Driven framework, so you cannot do much if you don’t use this pattern. I found it really handy once you start thinking MVC way. ORM – Object Relational Mapping is a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems in databases and object-oriented programming languages /sc...